Horizon Blog

diGITAL sET dESIGN – The Runaway Hare, Lakeside Arts Centre, January 2017

Digital Set Design was first  published in April 2001 by Roma Patel  a scenographer and digital artist based in the UK. Her work is focused on the points of intersection between performance, site-specific scenography and interactive technologies. In 1999, in parallel with her theatre commissions, she started experimenting with 3D digital technologies as a tool for set design and progressed to designing virtual environments for digital storytelling using real-time visualisations and augmented reality. In 2013 she joined Horizon Centre for Doctoral Training programme and Mixed Reality Lab at University of Nottingham to investigate the integration of interactive and wearable technology in scenography for early years theatre (under 3’s). Her current research is influenced by her collaborations with  the Irish site-specific theatre company Coracadorca,  exposure to the wonderful world of  theatre for the very young (after the birth of her daughter) and the growing accessibility of tangible, and wearable technologies through the Maker movement.

Following on from her first experimental installation/ performance,  Romas doctoral study involves working on a second  performance  exploring  interactive scenography.  The Runaway Hare draws from the research findings of her first performance study in 2015 and is inspired by children’s hide and seek adventure stories. It takes place on the 9th and 10th of January 2017 at the Lakeside Arts Centre.  

More information on Romas work and a link to her blog can be found here.