
Exploring the impact of ChatGPT and generative AI in Higher Education

Horizon’s Research Fellow, Anna-Maria Piskopani, along with Anna Chatzimichali have contributed a blog to the Philosophy of Education Social of Great Britain titled ‘Exploring the impact of ChatGPT and generative AI in Higher Education‘.

“Universities faced a dilemma when ChatGPT was released: should they embrace or ban it from higher education? In a previous PESGB blog post, it was argued that embracing ChatGPT as a new essay-writing tool will help students to improve their essay-writing abilities. Considering that ChatGPT can be compared with the calculator, and the benefits and drawbacks that technology brought, similar arguments can be raised in more complex contexts. Text and image generative AI tools can help students push further their own imagination and creativity, especially in design education where historically novel tools were employed. Universities should accept that AI tools might become a common practice and concentrate on teaching students about their affordances and limitations, and about responsible use. Indeed, many institutions are now working on policies that address just these issues.”  continue to read the remainder of the blog post here.