Multidisciplinary research and regulatory aspects. Discussion and networking event

Multidisciplinary research and regulatory aspects. Discussion and networking event

Horizon Research Fellow Anna-Maria Piskopani will be presenting examples of regulatory issues in interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research at a discussion and networking event being hosted by the Cobot Maker Space on 1st May 2024.  Funded through a Faculty of Arts Collaborative Research and Knowledge Exchange Seed Corn Award given to Connecting Human-AI Interaction Researchers (CHAIR), the event is being run in collaboration with the Cyber-physical Health and Assistive Robotics Technologies (CHART) research group. It follows a previous event held in June 2023.

Anna’s presentation will be followed by several robotics and AI-related demonstrations delivered by users of the Cobot Maker Space.  Roundtables will then be held to address the following questions:

  • How multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary research can be achieved?
  • What are the requirements, challenges and benefits of working in a multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary group?
  • What is the role of regulation in this?


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