Horizon Blog

Robots Mediating Interaction extension

Sometimes things can take longer than expected and our work towards developing a Wizard of Oz (WoZ) platform to drive ‘Robin’ the service robot – housed at the Cobot Maker Space – has proved just that!  Through embedding good RRI practice we were able to identify and highlight this issue impacting on the project timescale, resulting in the award of a six month extension to continue the work.

We will be conducting 3 pilot studies to further inform development of the WoZ platform and run 10 formal experiments to collect and analyse data.

First steps will involve applying for ethics, searching for pilot study participants, and holding a dress rehearsal to test Robin’s movement and navigation, video views, and speech and utterance set. Once we have collected and analysed data and implemented adjustments required to Robin WoZ, we will be conducting experiments with a larger sub-set to collect qualitative, quantitative and video data to support publications and produce a dataset appropriate for annotation, evaluation and training for machine learning models designed for facial expression behaviour.

The extension to the ‘Robots Mediating Interaction’ project will see it continuing until 30 September 2022.


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