Horizon Blog

Open Data Round Up: 11/09/13

It’s been another busy week in the open data world – see below for a round up of some key articles and calls for participation in a number of exciting […]

Open Data Round Up: 30/08/13

I attended a briefing this week on the Open Data Challenge Series (formerly the Immersion Programme) which is being jointly run by The Open Data Institute and Nesta. As the […]

Open Data Round Up: 19/08/13

It’s been another busy week in the world of open data and privacy this week with lots of debate about how far people should expect their information to be private […]

Open Data Round Up: 12/08/13

Key pieces of information from the open data world over the past week include: As part of a new NHS procurement strategy announced by the Government this week all NHS […]

Information Economy Strategy

The UK Government launched it’s Information Economy Strategy in June 2013. This Strategy is one of approximately 11 sector-specific strategy documents which make up the UK’s Industrial Strategy. The Industrial […]